Tank Film


New Member
May 23, 2008
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Again im new to this all so a apologize for all the quick questions, but I have this film on the surface of the water that is slightly opaque and I dont know how to get rid of it. I used a siphon tube and sucked all of it off the surface once, but it came back within a couple of days.
Im no expert myself, but I used to get this when I had unfiltered tanks that had no surface movement. I think a combination of stagnant water and what is in the water anyway, builds up. I used to use a fine net to get rid of it, but I think the ultimate answer will be getting some sort of aeration to break the water surface.
i agree with joshy on this, but also it seems to be worse in harder water areas (in my experience) so think that lime in the water might be part of it
The film layer is a protein coat on the surface of the water, healthy well established planted tanks can get it, but it also commonly occurs on cycling tanks or tanks that don't get enough maintenance.

If this is a filtered cycled tank, you could either get a surface skimmer attachment for the filter, or just buy a small filter with a surface skimmer in it.

If you have no filter and this is a tiny betta tank, then your just going to do more water changes or use better water, your tap water just has lot's of organic waste in it, or it's fine and your waiting too long between water changes.
i used to have this problem in one of my tanks. i would actually use paper towels and set them across the surface of the water for a second to soak up as much of the film as i could. Seems to happen in cycling tanks more often.
Well since it is filtered and my water isn't hard at all (Lake Michigan) I have to assume it is because it is cycling. Does this mean I should be pulling my beta out for now and checks the water specs before i out him back in?
keep a close eye on the water specs. it could take a couple weeks to cycle.

personally, my bettas have done just fine in freshly set up tanks. tho there are a lot of members here that would not advise having a betta in a cycling tank. how recently did you set up the tank and when did you start seeing the film?

it really isn't too big of a deal, just annoying.
do you have any spray air fresheners in the same room? also do you use perfume or sprays in that room? Often this causes a film on the tank even in filtered tanks. You will find that the mist from these sprays will get through the tiniest of gaps in the top of the tank and lay on the waters surface. Just a thought

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