Tank Divider


Fish Addict
Feb 19, 2004
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I wan't to divide a 3.5 gal tank for two male bettas. What will happen if I use clear plexi glass?? I know that they will flare at eachother a lot but will they get so stressed out that they will get sick or will they eventually get used to seeing eachother???
i have 2 of my guys in a divided 5 gal. there are plants lining about 1/2 to 2/3 of the divider. they flare at each other, mostly around meal time, but i don't think they are stressing themselves out...
they'll likely get used to each other soon, but it depends on their personalities. i've got one guy who flares at any and everything all day long, and another who cant be arsed. either way, i highly doubt they'll do themselves any harm by excessive flaring. :)
Depends on the males. They might chew their own caudals off, in an attempt to fight something...or they might stress themselves to the point of letting a disease overtake their immune system. Then again, they might be docile enough to flare awhile, then be ok with it. There is no set rules when it comes to how a betta might act. If it too much for them, you can always add a colored divider that just slips in, and you could remove it awhile each day so they get exercise, then give them some peace by blocking their view again. Personnally, I think the last option would be better.

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