tank divider


Fish Fanatic
Feb 17, 2004
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okay i have no money i need to make a tank divider fast what should i use/do? please help
try a couple of small peices of wood, and some window screen, make a frame and jsut wrap the screen over the edges and place in tank.
that will do for a quick fix.
anything else some around the house type items
Pull the plastic front off a box fan, wedge it in at an angle. Hide the partially dismantled fan.

okay the reason is cuz i need a divider for a place for my guppy to have her fry and for them to be safe so i bought this screen stuff with really small holes but what should i do to set it up in my tank something easy with around the house items please
jus stick it in there.... fold the bottom up and put rocks on it to keep it in place... as for the top.. can u fold that over the side of the tank and put the lid on?.. should be able to figure it out with a little time and effort
Well, there is a way thats fairly cheap. I went out and bought some sewing board. You know the kind old ladies make designs on. I found one that had a very fine mesh and decided that would work. I then went to Home Depot and purchased some OSC which is basically vynil weather striping for glass doors. I cost about 50 cents for the mesh knit board thingy and 77 cents for the weather stripping (8foot length). I also bought aquarium silicone at Home Depot for 2.97 which was 3.00 cheaper than the LFS. I measured and cut the knit board and had to sew two pieces of it together with fishing line. I then cut the weather stripping to size to fit from the bottom to the top of a 20 gal tank and used silicone to seal it in place and poof a very nice better than you can buy at the LFS divider custom made to size and style. total cost for 4 tanks = $6.51 versus 11.99 each at the LFS and mine looks and works better.
what about.... well... i am breedin my bettas in a 10 gallon tank.. i have 2 pairs.... i want to breed them both in same tank.. but if the divider is clear the males will see each other and probably not bother females which is bad... any ideas on something around the house or at canadian tire maybe that would work... canadian tire is like the only store around here lol
clear tupperware bowl

cut too big and let it bend a tad for preasure

cut down to fit

at top cut tiny slits like an over flow in a SW tank.

drill poke ect more holes ect carful not to have shavings that will break off in the tank if you use a drill / dremel.
hm.... might work for him :D . . . i need something not clear

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