Tank Divider Between Male/females


Fish Crazy
Jan 24, 2005
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I have a 5 gallon tank/heated/filtered. Can I keep a male and female betta in it as long as a tank divider is in there? Or a male/male?
yes you could.I wold either divide it or have 1 beta in there with my a few shrimp if the betta isnt to nasty.Lookks alot better but upto you :good:
It will probably result in the male constantly trying to build a bubble nest. If I were a Betta it would be very frustrating and cause stress. Don T.
Ya i agree use a divider that cant be seen thru and it will work but as far as using a divider for 2 males i wouldnt they may just end up knocking it down to get to each other or they will stress there selves out everday trying to fight with each other.
They should be fine... a m/f
The 2 in my 10 gallon just flirt/flare at eachother through the divider but other than that, they're perfectly fine.
When I first got them, my female Afia would just hang out at the divider staring at Raj, but now... they'll do their little flirting thing for a minute or 2 here and there throughout the day and then the rest they're begging food from me :p hehe

If it makes you feel better though go with a divider that they won't be able to see eachother through, or will have a hard time seeing eachother through :)
They should be fine... a m/f
The 2 in my 10 gallon just flirt/flare at eachother through the divider but other than that, they're perfectly fine.
When I first got them, my female Afia would just hang out at the divider staring at Raj, but now... they'll do their little flirting thing for a minute or 2 here and there throughout the day and then the rest they're begging food from me :p hehe

If it makes you feel better though go with a divider that they won't be able to see eachother through, or will have a hard time seeing eachother through :)

Thanks everybody! I will not do the male/male. I have a clear divider. If I get a male/female and it looks like they're too stressed, I can always change the divider, although I don't know where I'd get one that is not see through--out of all the pet stores in my area, only one store had a divider for a 5 gallon tank and it is clear.
You could make your own divider out of coloured plexi-glass if they seem too stressed.
We used perspex and just sanded it down so they couldn't see each other.
hi stang--what is perspex? i am looking for material that isn't clear also to use as a tank divider.
hi stang--what is perspex? i am looking for material that isn't clear also to use as a tank divider.
It's transparent plastic sheeting, I think it's also called macrolite. You'll probably be able to get some from your local DIY store. :good:
thank you! I am even thinking of growing a moss wall and doing the division that way. i just have to make sure whatever i use is sturdy, don't want any real fights :hyper:

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