Tank Cycling


Fish Fanatic
Jan 18, 2007
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How long does it take to cycle a 2 gal tank with a 3 stage eclipse filter and no gravel? (its for my discus that i need to quarenteen)
hi and welcome,
if you're from the UK i would look for filter start to help with the cycle, if you're from the USA i think it is called bio-spira, this will kick start the process. if you already have a tank set up you could take some substrate out and put it in your new tank along with a piece of media from your filter. are you going to do a fishless cycle or fish in cycle
i wouldn't think it would take that long. it's not too big of a tank. try putting a little bit of water from your main tank in it to help it cycle faster. i put a small amount of water from my best tank and then put some snails and one of my freshwater clams, maby a ghost shrimp, to help it cycle. they seem to carry the bacteria needed to help it cycle. good luck! :good:

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