Fish Crazy
Okay, so I went to my LFS yesterday.
Kasai has mild fin rot. The guy gave me something called wardley promethyasul to put in the tank to cure it.
Does anyone know about this stuff and if it works well?
I told him I was doing 50% water changes in my uncycled tank daily, and he said it will never cycle like that, because in Sydney, there are large amounts of chlorine in the water which are killing the bacteria everytime I put new water in.
He gave me something called Sera Toxivec to remove chlorine, nitrate and ammonia. I asked for Prime and he gave me that.
Anyone know anything about this stuff?
Should I be feeding/water changing during his treatment for fin rot?
Kasai has mild fin rot. The guy gave me something called wardley promethyasul to put in the tank to cure it.
Does anyone know about this stuff and if it works well?
I told him I was doing 50% water changes in my uncycled tank daily, and he said it will never cycle like that, because in Sydney, there are large amounts of chlorine in the water which are killing the bacteria everytime I put new water in.
He gave me something called Sera Toxivec to remove chlorine, nitrate and ammonia. I asked for Prime and he gave me that.
Anyone know anything about this stuff?
Should I be feeding/water changing during his treatment for fin rot?