Tank Cycle


Fish Fanatic
Oct 30, 2007
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how long do you genrally have to leave the tank to cycle and when would you know it done????? so i know when to add fishes
how long do you genrally have to leave the tank to cycle and when would you know it done????? so i know when to add fishes

You teat your water for first an ammonia spike, the nitrite then nitrate - do a water change of between 40 - 50% , test again after 24 hours if nitrate is <10 go ahead and buy your cuc

Seffie x
ps post your results on here and we will help you
on the amonia tes kit that i have it has a free ammonia tes ant tatal ammonia test which one should i do......
either the test kit is a load of rubbish or nothning is happening in the tank but my readings are ammonia 0....nitrite 2.5.....nitrate 0....
Just becaus you have no ammonia doesn't mean there's something wrong!
You have nitRITe which means the tank is still cycling, you should start seeing some nitRATe soon. :)
Just out of interest, what did you guys cycle your tanks with, and what is the preffered method nowadays. Im setting up another tank soon and I havnt cycled in a good 3 years and I did a fish cycle which I know no one does now. How do you go about it?


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