Tank Crash - My Cory Cats Have Become Ill.


Fish Fanatic
Feb 5, 2006
Reaction score
England (Yorkshire)
HELP, i have got my self into a bit of a dilemma.

My established tank of about 1 year has had a complete crash, i havent checked water stats but i know something is up. My 4 mollies got the shimmies a few days ago, 2 have now stopped. I cant treat with salt because i have freshwater fish in tank (i know bad advice from the pet store meens i got a weird set of fish living together).

Well now i have another problem, my cory cats are really skittish shooting all over the tank when my shadow passes and their bellies look swollen. What could this be? Also can u catch TB of fish? I start the siphon with my mouth but now i just heard a rumour that you can get TB off sick fish. I hope this aint true.

Astonishingly the most sensitive fish in the tank, the glass cats seem to be very healthy and acting normally. Should i consider euthaniasia of my other species?


Whats up with my cory cats?
Can you get TB of fish?
Shall i consider euthanasia?
Are the scales sticking out from the side of the fish? What are you feeding the fish?

You can get an infection from some strains of FTB. If you have any cuts or open wounds FTB can penetrate them and create a nasty rash.
I'm not sure your fish have fish tuberculosis though.

There is a much easier/ safer/cleaner way to start the siphon than with your moutH! The way i start it is put the whole siphon/ tubing in the tank and make sure there are no bubbles in it. Place a bucket below the tank and put your thumb ober the end of the tubing from the siphon. Put the part you have your thumb on in the bucket and let go, keeping the other end in the tank, then just gravel vac like normal.
no the scales are fine and i have been feeding flakes and catfish pellets, no change in diet, any ideas anyone? Dont ask me my water stats my test kit hasnt arrived yet. Please refer to the symptoms to advise. Erratic swimming, bloated bellies
Ys i would do an immediae water change as swimming like you say they are can be poor water quality, increase aeration, and get the fish on a more varied diet of frozen foods and veg, as to many dried foods can lead to constipation and swim bladdder, try shelled peas for now on the corys as they could be bloated up due to constipation.

Never staart the syphon of with your mouth, more to be safe.

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