Tank Crack!

If the tank is 24in high it should be in 10mm glass, and therefore the repair piece should also be 10mm. The best option is to replace the base completely, not too difficult a job. Plating the inside with a smaller piece will not necessarily prevent the crack spreading; even moving it as it is will often lengthen the crack.
BY the way cant you remove the braces temporarily and insert a full size base into the tank and seal it onto the sides. once set you could attach the braces back intp place. This way you will more or less have a full internal base and the crack on the ouside wont really matter! ;)
Hi there! :unsure:

thanks again for advise! the 4ft x 2ft x 2ft lasted 2 days until the leaking started! the crack travelled in a direction I couldn't believe! so tank is now in skip! :angry:


I have just ordered a Marine tank from Seabray direct! 36 x 24 x 24 with SUMP! Oh yes if I'm going to do this salt shxt! lets go and get me a sump! the contents of the tank are in a 36 x 18 x 18 at the moment and all is going well!
Seabray have told me its a 10 to 14 day turn around!


as soon as I get the tank and sump I'm going to need help with the plumbing business! I am waiting to here from them about the sump size and some other factors and soon as I get these I will post a new thread!

cheers again for advice! :good: just a shame I got caught out big time!
Get them to drill the tank too, save you doing it
Sorry to hi jack this thread, but I just want to say thankyou. One of my 18"x18"x18" has got a small 3" crack in one of the corners on the bottom pane and now I know I can repair it :D I've already got the glass from an old shed window...just need a glass cutting device now :blink:

Sorry to hear about your tank weatherman, but I'll quickly add that my repair went brilliantly and is holding with 80L sitting on top of it and a female betta knowing none the wiser lol. Thanks for putting up the thread, it's saved me a tank.
Oh man, jealous. I've always wanted an 89g aquarium (the one you just bought) but could never really find one. Gret buy :)

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