Tank Concept

I spotted this thread and could not resist commenting -- I am receiving Lego set number 7985, City of Atlantis, in the mail tomorrow, and I plan to submerge the main building in my kids 26 gallon fish tank. I thought the sunken city would look quite good in a real aquarium. I'll be posting pictures when it is done...it will be going in the tank pictured in my signature. I'll have to rearrange a bit to fit it in...plus the whole issue of assembling it under water to keep the air out.
I would love to see it. Sadly I decided not to set mine up this way. For the reasons I stated above. Also my son loves my legos and if he sees them in a tank he will want them. My wife put a spongebob figure in her community tank and he went crazy wanting it so for now legos are out for me :p.
I already warned my son that I get the main building, but he gets all the figures and the submarine, so he was okay with that. I will ping this thread once I have pictures ready to display. Hopefully by the end of the weekend! It will be a fun project.
Stop saying, ' legos' :shout:

The correct plural is 'LEGO bricks'

Thank you

Flutter 'grammar pedant' moth

Sorry but I have played with LEGOS my entire life so grammer can go out the window and I will say LEGOS :p
Fair enough, as long as you know you're wrong :p

And I've been playing with LEGO all my life, and I am older than you so, yah boo sucks to you!

With it being leggo what about something with neutral boyancy, or adjustable that could be fun.

A proper submarine maybe. or a sea monster :lol:
Legos is actually spanish for Lego.

wow that A level came in handy, i knew it would.
My City of Atlantis is about 90% done and in the tank. Just have to re-arrange the rest of the contents of the tank and decide what stays and what goes. It really turned out pretty well. With my blue LEDs the lego building glows nicely at night. And the fish seem to have a lot of fun swimming in and out of the openings.

I took construction pics and will post a thread later this weekend...

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