Tank Concept


New Member
May 25, 2006
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Dublin, Ireland
I'm fairly new to fishkeeping but thinking of getting a second tank with some new world cichlids as a major feature and I was wondering what you guys thought of the concept...

Size, shape, aquascaping, planting, filtration:

It would be a 25 UK gallon (30 US gallon or 113L) tank with a 48"x12"x12" configuration. It would have a large bogwood feature (with fern and moss on it) off-centre in the middle creating two 'zones' on either side. Hopefully the bogwood would also bring my tap pH of 7.2 down slightly too. The zones either side would have large open sandy areas and possibly some pebbles or flat rocks, small bogwood pieces and/or mini-cave features. The background would be densely planted with different heights of various species into laterite (kept apart from sand by some sort of divider). The tank would be filtered by an appropriate external filter.


The other fish, apart from cichlids that I am interested in putting in here are - sterba's cories, serpae tetras, glass bloodfins... some kind of shoal of either cardinal tetras, rummy nose tetras, or black neon tetras or combo.

So what could I safely think of in adding to that in terms of species combinations / numbers / gender balance of rainbow cichlids, cockatoo dwarf cichlids and panda dwarf cichlids? Other suggestions for completely different new world cichlids or anything else at all totally welcome (I am looking for colour and character from these fish) !! :)

The other fish, apart from cichlids that I am interested in putting in here are - sterba's cories, serpae tetras, glass bloodfins... some kind of shoal of either cardinal tetras, rummy nose tetras, or black neon tetras or combo.

So what could I safely think of in adding to that in terms of species combinations / numbers / gender balance of rainbow cichlids, cockatoo dwarf cichlids and panda dwarf cichlids? Other suggestions for completely different new world cichlids or anything else at all totally welcome (I am looking for colour and character from these fish) !! :)

You can keep Dwarf Cichlids with the tetras and cories. Not sure on the Rainbow Cichlids as I don't know much on them. But it all sounds good. Can't recommend anything else as it sounds great already. It's a shame your tank isn't tall enough for Angels.
I think your tank setup is perfect for the fish you have already mentioned, Sterbai Corys, Cardinals & Glass Bloodfins sound great, i wouldnt advise on Serpae Tetras though as they can be a little nippy and as Cardinals are quite delicate it could be a problem. I put Serpae in that category of community, but only with simlar types of fish, same rules as for certain nippy small barbs too like the Tiger Barb.

As for cichlids, I personally think you would be better off not complicating your setup by adding cichlids, you could possibly get away with Apistos but may have to cut back on other fish to do that.

Just my 2 pence worth.
Sounds like a very nice setup. I think Apistos would work very well in there. Cories will usually co-exist nicely with them, especially in the sort of tank you have in mind. I like your choices of tetras but would be leery of serpaes. As stated, they tend to be nipy. Rummynose would be very nice in there, they would appreciate the length of that tank and are an specially tight schooling fish. Cardinals would give you some nice colour and IMO look fantastic in a planted tank. Your 7.2 pH is excellent for the fish you have in mind, and as you stated you may be able to lower it by a point or two. I have no personal experience with rainbows so I'll leave that for someone who has. Consider otos once your tank has matured a while.

Keep us posted on your progress.
Thanks for the advice guys, much appreciated. I will steer clear of serpae tetras and I will go for a mix of cardinals and rummy noses. Once the tank is up and runnning with the tetras i will be seeking more detailed advice on the cichlids.

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