Tank Compatability

no a dragon fish AKA purple goby pnly needs about 20 gallons

ok so it only needs a 20 gal, i was wondering why a thin, long, 18" fish needed more than 30 gal.

i'm assuming though that it would be better to have a 20 gal long (not high) right?

You was right the first time a dragon goby will need a minimum of a 55 gallon.

Fish fish fish please dont make uneducated answers on topics you clearly no nothing about, this is a warning the next time i see it you'll be suspended.
no a dragon fish AKA purple goby pnly needs about 20 gallons

ok so it only needs a 20 gal, i was wondering why a thin, long, 18" fish needed more than 30 gal.

i'm assuming though that it would be better to have a 20 gal long (not high) right?

You was right the first time a dragon goby will need a minimum of a 55 gallon.

Fish fish fish please dont make uneducated answers on topics you clearly no nothing about, this is a warning the next time i see it you'll be suspended.

ok now that that is settled :D . a 55 gal i shall go and get (when/if i actually get one). i know the general rule for fish is 1" of fish = 1 gal water... buit i also know that that is mostly for smaller fish. the bigger the fish get you have to adjust for instance in this case a 15-20" fish would need at least double or even 2.5 gal per inch of fish. i realize that it depends on the size of the fish and you will need to adjust the ratio accordingly

no a dragon fish AKA purple goby pnly needs about 20 gallons

maybe when its 5 inches or under a 20 would do but a full grown one should have a minimum of about 75 gallons, may be a bit cramped in a 55 but it should be ok though.

well i have plenty of time t secide on this subject anyways. i don't have adequate space to even put a 55 gal let alone a 75 gal. right now the dorm (at the college i'm staying) won't allow anything over 20 gal in the rooms. so i figure i'll wait until i get a place of my own (or at my old house) and put a 75 gal in w/ proper space.

also, can i put a knife fish (more particularly a glass or black ghost knife) in w/ the dragon goby? and what would the tank require ment be then?

another thing if i got a ropefish what would be the minimum tank size if i wanted to add one of the knifefish in with the ropefish?
Dragon gobies are brackish fish knife fishes are not (they mostly come from soft acid waters), the two are not compatable by nature of their water requirements.
Dragon gobies are brackish fish knife fishes are not (they mostly come from soft acid waters), the two are not compatable by nature of their water requirements.

lol i knew that, i don't know why i asked that twice lol.

what size tank would i need for a knifefish and a ropefish combined? would that even work?
what size tank would i need for a knifefish and a ropefish combined? would that even work?

What species of knife fish? And ropefish shouldnt be kept singly, they like to be a group of at least 4. For 4 ropefish Id reccomend a 100 gallon minimum. And to add a knife a bigger tank would be needed. Knife fish and ropefish both like heavily planted tanks and somewhat slower flowing waters. Youll need havy filtration with the ropes and knives. They would make good tank mates because they like similar water chemistry, and are often hard to feed because they are usually out competed for food.
what size tank would i need for a knifefish and a ropefish combined? would that even work?

What species of knife fish? And ropefish shouldnt be kept singly, they like to be a group of at least 4. For 4 ropefish Id reccomend a 100 gallon minimum. And to add a knife a bigger tank would be needed. Knife fish and ropefish both like heavily planted tanks and somewhat slower flowing waters. Youll need havy filtration with the ropes and knives. They would make good tank mates because they like similar water chemistry, and are often hard to feed because they are usually out competed for food.

so if i wanted to get 4 ropefish (so that they are happy in their little group) and a knife fish would a 150 gal be sufficient or would i still need bigger?
yes that would most likely do. but what species of knife is it? There are many many species and some can get quite large (2 and a half feet) while some dont exceed 6 inches.

well i don't know if i want to get a black ghost knife or a glass knife. i am leaning more towards the black ghost but for room purposes i might need to go with a glass since i hear they get smaller

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