Fish Herder
down the road and i mean way down the road from now i want ot get a huge tank that goes from one end of the room to the other, maybe 300-500 + gallons. would i be able to put eels/ropefish in with knife fish and dragon fish or vise versa? will they be too aggressive towards each other? i see these fish in pet stores and think that they are awsome and would like to get them eventually, and want to research them before i make any rash decisions and get myself into a bad predicament (sp). like have to give up the fish that kinda cost money or hafta rush and buy a much bigger tank or buy them and have to seperate them. you know all that good stuff that comes with making a poor decision. i want to avoid that and are curious as to besides these fish (if they can live together) what other fish can live with them?