Can you use vaserline to stick the background inside the tank or just outside the tank? how would you attach the background inside that tank?
you can't use vaseline inside the tank...I'm not sure if vinyl static stickers would work under water...I dont think they would. If I were going to attach a background to the inside of my tank i would use four spots of aquarium sealant...vaseline works great on the back of the tank though so I'd just attach it to the back glass.
I wouldn't attach any background on the inside. Mulm / debris can build up in there in the dead space and fry can get in there if there is even the smallest of gaps. Apart from that, it can't be a joy to clean and scrape algae without damaging it.
i agree with bloo. inside the tank probably can be done but vaseline gives you the same effect so why deal with the added hassle. I can't imagine how you would clean algae off of that now that bloo makes me think of it.