Tank Aeriation/filteration


Fish Fanatic
Nov 6, 2005
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6 months ago, i bought a 30 gal duo deep tank from pets at home(cost an arm and a leg)
"everything you need to get started "it said.ok fine.
its a fluval 3+ and although i have turned the flow right down, its still makes my tank resemble a washing machine at full pelt
I have tried a spray bar,but that just makes the tempest worse as it will only fit widthways and blows all my foliage around to an alarming degree.
apart from buying a new filter, is there anything i can do to soothe these raging waters.Every time i sit to watch my fish, i get seasick.
Job is not a good one
I dont really know of any preventitative measure for slowing a filter down, apart from clipping a stocking or something of the like over the output nozel.

Id buy another smaller sized filter with smaller turn over rate. :) WEhats the current one rated as?
Aim the spray bar straght down, or back towards the side of the tank it's attached to.

i say peresevere with what you have got. You CAN cut spraybars to size using a junior-hacksaw. Its better to have a better filter with a higher turnover than downgrading the filter size.

Dont downgrade your filter size. You have a good one there, dont put it away. Perservere, and you will get it to work for you.

This almost looks like an invitation for you to keep big cichlids or other cool tough fish ;)
I dont really know of any preventitative measure for slowing a filter down, apart from clipping a stocking or something of the like over the output nozel.

Id buy another smaller sized filter with smaller turn over rate. :) WEhats the current one rated as?
the one i have at the moment is a fluval 3+ rated at 700L/hour for a tank of upto 140 L , so i am right on the limit of the recommended tank size anyway
i would rather not have to go out and buy another filter because i am thinking about getting a lager tank in the new year and the less i have to buy for it the better

Dont downgrade your filter size. You have a good one there, dont put it away. Perservere, and you will get it to work for you.

This almost looks like an invitation for you to keep big cichlids or other cool tough fish ;)
Ciclids,in a 30 gal tank.........i was under the impression you needed loads of room for ciclids
some cichlids stay smaller than others.

you could keep convicts for example
Sometimes putting a coarse sponge over the outflow can help reduce the turbulence. I like to use Aquaclear sponges for this.
you get used to it and your fish will probably be ok, I have a fluval 4 which does over 55g and I only have a 28 gallon tank. It blows stuff around all the time,

but if you have plenty of decor in the tank for the fish to hide and chill out in then it should be ok.

As some have said before its better to have too much filtration than not enough. :thumbs:
Are you sure it's your filter that's the problem, or your air intake?

I had the same problem where my water had a really strong current, but it was because of my air wall, rather than my filter.

I went to my LFS and they reccomended a small air valve which attached to the outside of my pump tube which allowed me to tune the amount of air being pumped into the tank - worked a treat!

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