tank advice please!!!


New Member
Jun 28, 2004
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Hello!!! I have had a tropical fish tank for awhile now; however, I encountered some problems just recently. I have been thinking about turning the tank into a goldfish tank, and I need help getting started. I am not sure about what to do with the tank itself. How do I sanitize it for reuse? Should I change the gravel or just rinse it? Is there any advice that you can help me with? I would really appreciate it!!!
goldfish should not be kept in tanks
you need 20 gal for the first and 10 gal for every additional fish.

cold mountain minnows and leopard & zebra danios can bet kept in lower temps
as can some barbs. :D

to sanitize the tank buy some aquarium disenfectant and folow the instructions to the letter, if you wash your gravel you will kill all the bacteria in it and will have to re-cycle your tank.

Yes, my tank has already been cycled because it contained tropical fish. I am planning to move my tropical fish into a bigger tank, and wanted to turn this tank into a goldfish tank. ( I understand that goldfish need a lot of room, but this tank is big enough).

Anyway, I haven't made a move and was trying to get some advice first. So... I don't have to do anything to the water except change the temperature? And I can keep the original gravel?
rosesephora said:
Yes, my tank has already been cycled because it contained tropical fish. I am planning to move my tropical fish into a bigger tank, and wanted to turn this tank into a goldfish tank. ( I understand that goldfish need a lot of room, but this tank is big enough).
how big?
what are the dimensions?
what is the volume?
id say thas big enough to hold some goldfish lol ... if the tank is already cycled and all you have to do is lower the temperature ... after you lower it what i would do is buy a starter goldfish and see how he does and if hes fine which he should be add what you see fit
id start off with 2 feeder goldfish and see if they do ok for about 4-8 weeks and then add the others

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