i generally use less unless i'm going for a lot of plants. although i run 900-1000 l/h in a 95 litre, the actual flow around the tank is less than 600 as the HOB and spraybar cancel eachother out. It just worries me that a 400 l/h is being sold as adequate for a 90 litre, i wouldnt say 900 l/h in a 90 is suitable for an unplanted, something like 6-700 would be ideal.. just to give the adequate flow. i'd use 900 if it was plantedFluval-1200 said:Isnt the 10x filter rate more for high tech planted tanks? the 10x flow rule of thumb to keep the ferts evenly around the tank.
Seal36 said:They have had 5 sets of eggs and not one set of the eggs have even got to the wriggler stage and am starting to think if it will ever happen from Tom
That's called aggression, which is why they really dont want to go near the cavesSeal36 said:the rummy nose tetras don't go near the caves and if they do the kribensis just swim towards them and they scatter