Tangs In A 10gallon Nano...


Feb 7, 2007
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South Carolina
My LFS keeps a 10gallon nano with young (1-1.5") tangs in it...currently the only one I recognize is a surgeonfish. We get in lots of arguments about how that seems like such a bad idea. Is it ok to keep young tangs in a tank that small? I was just wondering if they would start to grow and then need to be moved to a larger tank, or rather than growing if they would just get stressed and die...curiosity killed the tang.
I had a baby regal tang in a 55gal for a few months. When I bought her she was tiny (about 3 cm) and 4 months later when she died :( she was around 7-8cm.

I was astounded at how fast she grew and also at how fast she swam. Just before she met my powerhead intake I was considering giving her to a friend with a bigger tank if I couldn't get my bigger tank running pretty sharpish as I felt she was getting much too big to be comfortable.

Even baby tangs would not have sufficient swimming space in a 10gal IMO even if size wise they look OK.
that's what I figured...this fish stays in the same spot almost always and hasnt grown at all. It's always in the center-middle of the tank just kind of sitting. Theres another one at the lfs now in a 20 gallon, slightly bigger. It's tank mates are about 15 four stripe damsels...seems wrong.
wait is this a display or a sale tank? if its a sale tank its not soo terrible (although it still is wrong) because hopefully they will be sold quite quikly, i mean my fav LFS can sell all their fish in about a week
strictly display, I've tried to buy fish out of it before with no success. It's to advertise the nano tanks and bio cubes.
You'd be lucky to be successful with a couple of clown fish or a firefish in a 10 gal nano never mind a tang of any description. At least you have the sense to know he is very wrong with the tank and you haven't got a nano with a tang at home as some of his customers may have already. I bet he would suggest a pterois volitans in a 10 gal if he got the sale, that's terrible!
very wrong...although I do wish there were dwarf tangs or butterflyfish :/

Yes very wrong

I know that they do selective breed clowns such as black percs.

Maybe if they can get tangs to breed in cap. they can selective breed a smaller tang.The thing is that the longest a cap. breed tangs have lived is 88 days.
very wrong...although I do wish there were dwarf tangs or butterflyfish :/

Yes very wrong

I know that they do selective breed clowns such as black percs.

Maybe if they can get tangs to breed in cap. they can selective breed a smaller tang.The thing is that the longest a cap. breed tangs have lived is 88 days.

At least it would have been small for those 88 days!

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