Tang Question

Agreed, what are the dimensions of a 60 gallon? I'm not familiar with the size TBH

Edit: if you want a tang-like fish, consider a foxface ;)
So your "55 gallon" turns out to be an 80 gallon? Lucky bugger! :hyper:

This definetly opens up new options for that tank.


It says we have to be you to see your pictures. :shifty:



Srry for the bad pics...best i could do lol.
I usually don't like that kind of set up with the false corals etc but that looks really nice :good: what do you do for filtration?
Hmm.. thats 66 Imperial galons .

far too small fot al but the smallest of tangs im afraid. Bristletooth tangs like yellow eyes etc are ok but nasos will outgrow that tank in time should have at least 100 Imperial gallons (about 120 US gallons)
I only wil have the tang in there for a couple of months, then he will be moved to a 150 gallon. I use a fluval 405 canister filter along with a magnum 350 canister filter. I hav the fluval hooked up to a uv sterilizer, and the magnum to a fluidized bed. I hav a redsea prizm skimmer also. I'm saving money to buy at least 100lbs of live rock so that i can put in some soft corals.

Tank stock includes:
1 naso tang
1 azure damsel
3 domino damsels
1 blue devil
1 jewel damsel
1 lawnmower blenny
1 queen conch
1 starfish(not sure what kind)
2 pencil urchins
1 purple urchin

I hope to add some clowns but not sure what kind yet. I was trying to decide between a pair of perculas, or a pair of clarkii clowns, a maroon would also be nice....any ideas?

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