Taming Syno's


Fish Crazy
Jan 21, 2007
Reaction score
Cheshire, UK.
I read somewhere that you can tame upside down catfish and featherfin catfish, so much so that you can have them almost sleeping in the palm of your hand,not to mention eating etc. My Mollies and Guppies already nibble at my fingers but didn't think that you could get catfish doing it, being nocturnal.

Is there any truth in this ?. BTW, can't remember where on t'internet I read it though lol :fun:
i've seen wild catfish, that will fed from the hand. cant see why syno's cant too.
two of my synos rub against my hands when I move things about in the tank, the other still hides, so probably depends on the fish :)
Mine like to be sung to! If I sing to them they'll come out to me. But since moving in with the Malawis (a right bunch of skittish twits) they've taken to hiding more. I think the behaviour of the Malawis has rubbed off on them. :rolleyes:
On a slightly different breed. My LDA31 (Peach spot Plec) will come out when I go in the room now. Ever since his little accident (he got tangled in a thread of cotton that had come off the wood it had been on to hold moss in place) and I had to handle him extensively to untangle him he trusts me a whole lot more.
Most fish will respond to your voice over time. They learn to recognise your footstep and noise. Perseverence and patience is needed aplenty!
Ive heard you can tame catfish too, so youre not the only person. I'm trying to tame my talking catfish atm. any tips?

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