Tame Fish


Fish Fanatic
Oct 27, 2006
Reaction score
Milton Keynes, England
Was re-scaping my tank this evening and was surprised at how tame Cory's can be.

I had to move a couple of stones and moss balls around the tank floor and a Cory was sat right where I needed to place one particular stone so I thought he would of moved as I got my hand nearer but he just sat there :unsure:

I know hes fine and nothng is wrong with him but he just sat there and let me kind of 'stroke' him ???? He did move eventually and no harm was caused. He's now darting around with the others.

Is this right? can Tropical fish be that tame that they allow you to get that near them?
Rackie had a tiger oscar that i used to hand feed and got to a point i could stoke it when feeding.Then when cleaning the tank it would swim up to my hand and let me touch it until it was bored then just swim away cool fish :good: woudnt have another one very strong fish mines burst through at the time a plastic hood and died when i was not in :rolleyes: But still very cool fish
We used to be able to hand feed and pat my betta before he passed away.

My guppies and angel are very very curious when I stick my hand in and come up. I hope to be able to hand feed my angel soon.
Nearly all my corydoras are like that as well. It can be quite annoying when syphoning the bottom of the tank because they really will not move. I do believe it's perfectly normal for them to behave this way =) I used to have goldies that I could actually 'stroke' because they weren't afraid of hands at all. And my Siamese Algea Eaters at the moment are very trusting as well and don't mind eating out of my hand.

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