No harm in doing all that fussing in the video, but I wouldn't bother. There are two things going on here, one is likely sediment in the sand, the other is a bacterial bloom. The method in the video will deal with the first (maybe), but not the second as the bacteria will keep reproducing rapidly until the organics in the water are eaten, and this just has to play itself out.
When I set up a new tank, I dump in the rinsed sand (and I do not rinse it over about four or five rinses), arrange the hardscape (tank is empty of any water), then add water maybee 1/3 to 1/2 of the tank, then plant. This stirs up the sand obviously, so when finished I siphon out all the water right down to the sand, and then fill with fresh tap water running it into a large bowl, adding conditioner. It will not be crystal clear, but usually not too bad. In a couple days the bacterial bloom aspect will be through (this you cannot avoid no matter what).