Just outta curiosity I have listed four common species of tropical fish below. Would the members (from whatever graphical location they find themselves in) tell us what price they would expect to pay for that particular species locally at their LFS. Please convert into GBP. using a currency converter.
The species are:
Zebra Danio (Danio rerio)
Siamese Fighting Fish (Betta splendens)
Red Tailed Black Shark (Epalzeorhynchus bicolor)
Cardinal Tetra (Paracheirodon axelrodi)
Just to see where is the cheapest place in the world to buy fish. I know there are other factors including transportation costs etc, but that aside, I think it might be interesting to see what turns up.
P.S. Please include where you are from.
The species are:
Zebra Danio (Danio rerio)
Siamese Fighting Fish (Betta splendens)
Red Tailed Black Shark (Epalzeorhynchus bicolor)
Cardinal Tetra (Paracheirodon axelrodi)
Just to see where is the cheapest place in the world to buy fish. I know there are other factors including transportation costs etc, but that aside, I think it might be interesting to see what turns up.
P.S. Please include where you are from.