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lol those names work cc
another pic of the snail eating my plant


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Synastic said:
:hyper: I just want to go over to your house, flick that snail off that plant and then run. :whistle:
Too funny!

Well, when you find out how to get the algae off your snail, will you come do the same for mine?! j/k, but I would like to know other than just wiping him off. My oto won't touch him... freaks the oto out because he doesn't like moving rocks... call him crazy... ;) :D
hey, you know why don't youp ut in a piece of cucumber or lettuce or something so the snail wont' attack ur leaves :D he's probably hungry :)
tekknocolor- i was told getting another snail will help because they will clean each other

cutecotton-yea i put in lettuce last night and the snail devoured it, but it was too late to save the leaf lol
billy61788 said:
tekknocolor- i was told getting another snail will help because they will clean each other

cutecotton-yea i put in lettuce last night and the snail devoured it, but it was too late to save the leaf lol
Never thought of that. Good idea, but will they start to replicate? I have a ramshorn snail... bbl - gonna do research on ramshorn reproduction.

Ok, they are hermaphrodites and will reproduce by laying eggs. Just FYI ...
i believe he has an apple snail..which means that each snail has its own sex, you need ot get a male and a female to get babies. I have 2 snails, i think they're obth the same sex though beucase i dont' have babies. but i never really see them clean each other :/

my otos LOVE hitching on rides with my snail :D it's just cute to watch them sit there and suck on the shell while the snail moves around the tank in slow motion :D i believe one my otos tried to land on one of my kribs...needless to say he got a good beating and never tried it again :lol:
cutecotton said:
i believe he has an apple snail..which means that each snail has its own sex, you need ot get a male and a female to get babies. I have 2 snails, i think they're obth the same sex though beucase i dont' have babies. but i never really see them clean each other :/

my otos LOVE hitching on rides with my snail :D it's just cute to watch them sit there and suck on the shell while the snail moves around the tank in slow motion :D i believe one my otos tried to land on one of my kribs...needless to say he got a good beating and never tried it again :lol:
Oh, yeah, I saw he said he had an apple snail, but since I was having trouble w/ my snail and the algae and he mentioned getting two snails I thought I'd research up on my snail to make sure I wouldn't be provoking reproduction of my snails... sorry to sound confused or confusing!

I bet it's hilarious watching the otos riding on the snail! Next time you see them doing it, could you take pics?! That would be fun!
lol sounds like the otos enjoy the snail cutecotton. but i manages to get alot of the algae off with a papertowel, so you could try that tekknocolor

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