Take A Look At My Fully Established Tank


Fish Herder
Oct 16, 2008
Reaction score
Fife, Scotland
Its a Juwel Rio 180 With a Fluval 205,
Stocked with:
- 2 Opaline Gourami
- 2 Honey Sunset Gourami
- 2 Congo Tetra
- 5 Glowlight Tetra
- 5 Neon Tetra
- 1 Zebra Danio
- 3 Leopard Danio
- 5 Tiger Barbs
- 1 German Blue Ram Cichlid
- 1 Pakistani(yoyo) Loach
- 1 Common Plec
- 2 Guppies
Tell me what you think of it :good:
I like it! I really like the clumps of moss, I can't get mine to grow like that.
i used a big lump of quartz rock and tied Riccia to it with fishing line,
and use a Coconut Cave and attached Java Moss to it with a tiny bit of fishing line eventually i took the bit of fishing line off once the moss had attached it self properly.
your tank looks amazing,

Going to steal the rock and coconut idea lol

Edit: what plant you got floating on the surface?
I dont have any plants floating on the surface, :rolleyes:
i have a Java Fern attached to a piece of Bogwood if thats what you mean?
Your tank looks nice.

Are the fish being fed?

They're all in one corner.
Looks lovely. Got the same backing that I've got for my 260l. :) I think it's the lighting on the background plant that looks a bit like the falling roots of a surface plant ;)
they all ways go to the top when i come near, its that pavlovian effect that they associate me with feeding, B-)
They're beutiful. I have an 80 litre housing just 3 BNs and nothing else.

Couls i have 1 opaline gourami?
Who told you that opaline gouramis grow up to 15 cm. (6 inches)

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