Tail-less Lucky's Progress Photos

Hes looking great!!
Iwas going to say that it looks like another fish attacked him as i had a breeding once had a breedign pair of dwarf cichlids ( nannocar anomala) and overnight the female completely lost her tail (just like Lucky) really thought she was going to die. i know it was the male that did it to her!! but i put her in a breeding net in a larger tank ( that had good filtration) and within 3 weeks she was fully healed and swimming around just fine!!
Godd job Bettamomma!!
Thanks :)
I'll post new pics this afternoon.
I was pretty convinced that he had mistakenly wound up with someone too, but none of his other fins are disturbed. Do you think that could even be?

It almost looks to me like his nerves are starting to grow in - there are red streaks coming in with the clear fins. I can't wait to see how it turns out :)

Pics coming soon - I promise!
How's he doing need a progress report with pic. :cool:
He's very excited about it. But not half as excited about it as I am.
Although, he is getting torked off because I keep posting pics of his rear end ONLY.
So, without further adue, here are some shots of the REST of him! :)



And isn't he a darling boy! :D I particularily like the second picture, he looks like he's pouting and you'd never realize that he was just growing back his entire tail.
Me either!
I do a little happy dance every day when I come in and see more is there.
My coworkers just shake their heads.

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