Tahitian Moon Sand

Jun 7, 2011
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Right now... in front of my computer
I recently purchased some tahitian moon sand. I spent almost all day today cleaning it. I poured some into my hospital aquarium to see if it would murk up the water and it all settled after 3 seconds. does this mean that I do not have to take my fish out of my aquarium while adding the sand if I add it in small amounts over a few hours?
Yes; as long as it's clean you can put it in without moving the fish; it's getting the old substrate out without kicking up loads of gunk that's the hard part!
i used the same sand and changed from sand to tahitian moon sand without taking the fish no problems at all :)
If there is anyway you can take the fish out, I would. I mean, the fish may attempt to eat it as it falls, or it may get sucked into their gills as they swim through it. Either could cause an issue for the fish. Even if you take the fish out, add the sand, and then put the fish right back in -- that's what I'd do, personally.
The fish will probably hide to one side, just use a cup and lower it in, or something bigger if you need
Once it's clean it's not a problem; I'm always chucking sand into my tanks (mostly the stuff Ive syphoned up while I'm cleaning, lol) and I've added sand to tanks without taking the fish out.

The Tahitian moon sand it not very fine; it's more like a tiny gravel than something like playsand so it's not going to hang in the water or anything like that.

I really don't think it's neccessary to take the fish out.
If there is anyway you can take the fish out, I would. I mean, the fish may attempt to eat it as it falls, or it may get sucked into their gills as they swim through it. Either could cause an issue for the fish. Even if you take the fish out, add the sand, and then put the fish right back in -- that's what I'd do, personally.

its a fair point. but, in nature, would sediment not be stirred up into the water. which would be, roughly, the same as the water in your tank getting cloudy from adding sand?
i see my fish, nealy all of them, taking sand/gravel in whilst eating. they eject it through the gills and mouth. I'm unclear as to why sand in the water should be any different.
or is it just the composition of the Moon sand that causes the problems?
I guess to me it is one of those 'risks you don't have to take' if you can just temporarily house the fish for even a few minutes. Obviously, there is enough reports from people who did it without incident. But, in my mind, it is still a small risk, and as I wrote, I just don't see it as one that is necessary with just a few minutes precaution.
I'd look upon catching the fish and taking them out as far more risky and unneccessary than leaving them in, if the new substrate is properly cleaned.

Plus, I've never had fish try to swim through sand as it's falling or being stirred up. They keep their distance when I'm doing anything in the tank.
I guess to me it is one of those 'risks you don't have to take' if you can just temporarily house the fish for even a few minutes. Obviously, there is enough reports from people who did it without incident. But, in my mind, it is still a small risk, and as I wrote, I just don't see it as one that is necessary with just a few minutes precaution.
aha, ok. just thought that you had information i didn't have access to. :rolleyes:
i've changed the substrate in loads of tanks without taking the fish out and have never had a problem :)
i've changed the substrate in loads of tanks without taking the fish out and have never had a problem :)

indeed, as have i. But i do see the the point in the comments by bignose. however, personally, i think the trauma of a tank move, for the fish, may well be worse than any problems from torpid water. but, if it works both ways, hey, its a matter of choice. just not something we should suggest as a "stipulation".
I did it with the fish in the tank a few days ago. My corys have been reluctant to lay on the sand so I put a small patch of gravel back in which they have loved but they are slowly warming up to the sand so I am not worried. My bristlenose pleco will not stop playing in it though. he loves it.
Wow, those cories must be conditioned for the gravel lol, ive never heard of cories not liking sand, they dont know how much better it is yet!

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