Hello Nav,
I eneded up making a bus and train trip to Erdington in Birmingham. The lfs there stocked the T5s, so I bought them knowing that I would have more control over their safe transport.
Well after installing the next day onset wouldnt work because on the the bulbs had cracked!! How I dont know, but I was really getting tired of the whole thing. I went to my lfs and just bought the Marine white so that my syte and the other buld would light up. Looking at the spectrum for Arcadia marine white T5 if does look like it is quite broad and i think plants can adapt to 9,500K although around 6000k is the best.
The plants inthe Rio are growing, but the glosso hasnt established yet, even though the light is bright, doesnt help with all the barb species I have rooting around.
The Rena is packed with growing plants, I think every species is growing, even the foregrounf sag.lilieopsis although more slowly.
I am a little concrened over floor support, but then i also thought if there was a real danger the aquariums would come with a warning

Im not going to set up the 240 yet, because my house is looking a bit like a showroom lol and it isnt that big. it is a 2 bedroom terrace, but the two downstairs rooms had been knocked into one and the Rio 400 goes across the room to make a bit of a room divide.
I know I only get away with it because i am the only one living there
I will at some point post photos.
I eneded up making a bus and train trip to Erdington in Birmingham. The lfs there stocked the T5s, so I bought them knowing that I would have more control over their safe transport.
Well after installing the next day onset wouldnt work because on the the bulbs had cracked!! How I dont know, but I was really getting tired of the whole thing. I went to my lfs and just bought the Marine white so that my syte and the other buld would light up. Looking at the spectrum for Arcadia marine white T5 if does look like it is quite broad and i think plants can adapt to 9,500K although around 6000k is the best.
The plants inthe Rio are growing, but the glosso hasnt established yet, even though the light is bright, doesnt help with all the barb species I have rooting around.
The Rena is packed with growing plants, I think every species is growing, even the foregrounf sag.lilieopsis although more slowly.
I am a little concrened over floor support, but then i also thought if there was a real danger the aquariums would come with a warning

Im not going to set up the 240 yet, because my house is looking a bit like a showroom lol and it isnt that big. it is a 2 bedroom terrace, but the two downstairs rooms had been knocked into one and the Rio 400 goes across the room to make a bit of a room divide.
I know I only get away with it because i am the only one living there
I will at some point post photos.