T5 Lighting?

Before new tubes fitted

Well what can I say, what a diff them new tubes made I am very very happy with them and you can see the diff right away   Thank you to Shawn from Iquatics who recommended to go with these tubes   2 Blue 50/50 and 2 Marine White  
Superb, that looks brilliant now!

You can see an immediate difference compared to your 1st post...much clearer and brighter with lovely tone.

Congrats, good choices and I'm pleased it worked out well!
aqua monster said:
Thank you FM1978,Baker360360 it has made a massive diff..
Looks good dosnt it, also do you have the juwel light reflectors ? It says that it doubles the light.
Hi baker, No I don't have them, I was thinking about them at the time of ordering the tubes but as I got 4 tubes I don't think I need them. At a thought I guess I could cover the inside of my lids with tin foil and see if it does make a diff. If so I might get some. Have to got them?
I am hoping to get them as I only need 2 for 590mm so about £20 for both, donno if it makes a great difference ill wait and see
Keep me postage, Take some photo's so we can see the diff, There must be a topic on here that someone has started about them
I recently had a bad out break of whit spot and lost half my fish, I've rehomed the rest and bought 4 lake tangayika cichlids today
1x Duboisi Cichlid (Tropheus duboisii)
1x Tretocephalus Cichlid (Lamprologus tretacephaleus)
1x Orange Leleupi Cichlid (Neolamprologus leleupi)
1x altolamprologus calvus black

They are only little 1 1/2" - 2" at the moment but their characteristics are already showing well.
I'm going to add a wave maker, light reflectors and new bulbs, marine and a blue colour (t5s) soon,

Searching for hours on what other species to add.
Looks like you got Malawi cichlids?
That's a lot of bad luck mate sorry to here that,  sounds like your tank will be looking good and freshly stocked soon.
Yes I got Malawi cichlids.   That's a good sort of colour your picking fish wise I do like the Tretocephalus Cichlid
Will do,

Can't believe I didn't get cichlids in the first place as they are amazing good looking, thinking of getting some shell dwellers (and shells). Do you have any shell dwellers with your Malawi's? And any hints you've found on getting the best out of cichlids apart from the lights you got? Did you add a wavemaker so you get better water movement around the rocks?

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