System Set-up


Fish Fanatic
Sep 9, 2008
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Hello all,

I'm almost there with the new set-up..
Got all the back ground in and pipework hidden away...

I need some advice on setting up my external systems (heater/sterilizer & filter).

Can you please give me some advice on how the system should be configured.

Obviously the heater and sterilizer should be on the filter outlet, but in what configutation.

Option 1:
Filter -> Sterilizer -> Heater -> tank


Option 2:
Filter -> Heater -> Sterilizer -> tank

I am in favour of option 1 as this 'may' reduce the load on the heater as the sterilizer will no doubt heat the water to some degree as it passes through.

Thanks in advance,


You won't see much difference I wouldn't have thought, but wait for another member to confirm. As you say, the UV will apply some heat to the water, but it will do that on either side of the heater anyway... I'd wait for confirmation, but I'd have thought both are vaild ways of doing it :nod:
UV system arrived today and the Lamp inside has smashed in transit.... AAAHH
UV system arrived today and the Lamp inside has smashed in transit.... AAAHH

OH dear. I hope you didn't sign for it? If you did, you may not be able to claim against the courier, so you will rely on the good-hearted people at the company you bought from to replace it.... :(

All the best
Sorry to hear about that , Option one would be better as the sterilizers DO heat the tank up quite a bit. - and as you said, will reduce the strain on your heater. Therefore saving energy. Let us know how you get on, Adam
I did sign for it; but how was I supposed to check it while in the box in front of the courier man....
Anyway, hopefully the suppler will come up with a solution tomorrow and we will get this resolved.

Got a similar set-up to you I think...

Trigon 350 - Eheim 2080 - Hydor EH300 - Vecton V2 600

Got the filter and heater up and running tonight (minus the Vecton :angry: )
Seems to be water tight and the light on the heater is on so its working at least...

Might connect up my old Eheim 2026 as my CO² reactor depending on how the diffuser gets on, either that or I'll use the 2026 to collect the bubbles off the dissuser so I get more absorption...

The old trick to get arround push corriers is to sign your name as "unchecked". My local deliery guys don't mind waiting for me to open breakabe packages before I sign on the line, and they are supposed to let you check the parcel over before signing anyway :good: They just don't want you to know about that, as it often means their heavy-handedness costs money.... :rolleyes:
Hi mate, yes im using a 2180 and vecton 600 inline together on a 450 litre tank with an extra eheim 2078.

With regard to the bulb smashing, what company did you purchase it from, they SHOULD send you a new bulb because for all you know, it could be due to inadequate packaging. Don't drop it with them, keep telling them how unhappy you are and they should send one out to you.


The company have been very good, they asked me so check the unit for further damage along with the smashed bulb.
So opened the unit up took out all the smashed bulb, and then found that quartz tube was also smashed at one end.

So waiting to see what they come up with.

Went ahead and set-up the 2080 and the EH300 running, and will just have to tie in the Vecton as soon as its fixed.

I'd be interested to see pics of peoples plumbing on setups like this please :0
I'd be interested to see pics of peoples plumbing on setups like this please :0

ill take a few pics of my installation setup later for you, Adam

Nice one :)

I've got an "in tank" uv filter thats frankly a bit naff so I've been thinking that i'd like to get it out of the tank and go for a plumbed in version along with a hydor external heater too but am a bit concerned that i'll lose a bit of flowrate. I've only got a single filter (2028) on the oscar tank so I can either put it inline with that or I was rather thinking of getting another external filter for purely mechanical filtration and putting it inline with that and leaving the 2028 as is.
I'd be interested to see pics of peoples plumbing on setups like this please :0

ill take a few pics of my installation setup later for you, Adam

Nice one :)

I've got an "in tank" uv filter thats frankly a bit naff so I've been thinking that i'd like to get it out of the tank and go for a plumbed in version along with a hydor external heater too but am a bit concerned that i'll lose a bit of flowrate. I've only got a single filter (2028) on the oscar tank so I can either put it inline with that or I was rather thinking of getting another external filter for purely mechanical filtration and putting it inline with that and leaving the 2028 as is.

Ah, i see, ill have to get the pics for you tomorrow as the UV is behing my unit and ill have to pull the filter out. To be totally honest, you do lose a lot of the filters flow using a UV. especially when the hoses are longer.
Thats what I thought would happen, lose enough flow with the filter filling up with Oscar poo as it is :crazy:

Maybe I'll be a little terratec external and just use mech filtering in it then and add the UV and heater inline
one thing to consider is that the slower the flow through the sterilizer, the more effective it will be. In my searching, I was never really able to find a "too slow" speed, and I have a magnum 350 going through a 25 watt Gamma, after a 5 foot lift. So the water flow isnt fast at all, but the water absolutely sparkles.

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