Synodontis Schootidinil


My names Russell.... ....and I'm a
Apr 13, 2004
Reaction score
Milton Keynes - UK
A Synodontis Schootidinil.

Our local store has some.... 10.99 a peice - and are quite striking...

Only thing is I've never heard of then and cant find anything on the web...

Planet catfish hasnt got anything listed that looks similar either (not Synodontis schoutedeni)

They look similar to Petricolas - but have striking white fins that are longer and floppier...

Any ideas?
A Synodontis Schootidinil.

Our local store has some.... 10.99 a peice - and are quite striking...

Only thing is I've never heard of then and cant find anything on the web...

Planet catfish hasnt got anything listed that looks similar either (not Synodontis schoutedeni)

They look similar to Petricolas - but have striking white fins that are longer and floppier...

Any ideas?

Czech hybrid would be my first guess. I don't have the confidence to buy Synodontis any more because of the influx of hybrids.

Synodontis Schoutedini is a very obvious looking fish, but there are so many hybrids out there, I' advise to stay away from syno's unless you're buying from a specialist collector or UK breeder.
yep - My petricolas came from a breeder.

I'll try and get a picture over the weekend ;)
Perhaps you could also ask your lfs where exactly they came from ? :) and get some pics if you can.
Would still be intersting to get more information. Where there's a few - there's more. And chances that someone else will ask a few weeks / months down the line are great. So would be good to see what they look like and know where they were bred / come from ?
I've got photos now... just need to post them.

they are darker than pepsicolas and have striking white colouring...
I've got photos now... just need to post them.

they are darker than pepsicolas and have striking white colouring...

Here you go folks... any ideas?


Perhaps. Although the PC ones do have spots, just not quite as defined. From what I've read/seen, juveniles are much spottier than adults, and it wouldn't suprise me of the PC ones are of adults. They look pretty large. Either way, seems like a bargain to me- have you seen how much Trimar is charging for English bred ones?
OohFeeshy hit the nail on the head... And Miss Dib Dabs knew what she was looking at too.

Unfortunatly they have corrected the details and price tag :(

I should have bought them from the guy I saw - would have been a bargin (unfortunaly I'm a regular in there and they would have caught up with me!) :D

Went in today as lorna still wanted them but it looks like they were marked up wrongly...

Unlucky :/ But still, nice to have seen some in the flesh. And that'll learn you to carry a fish atlas around at all times :p

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