Synodontis Multipunctatus


Fish Crazy
Aug 10, 2010
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i'm changing my tang tank to mbuna (tank is on order and will be here next week), i currently have two synodontis multipunctatus. everything i have read talks about pairing synodontis multipunctatus with mbuna but nothing mentions synodontis petricola.

i know the first ones grow allot bigger so maybe thats something to do with it but since i'm keeping dwarf mbuna and don't have a tank i could keep synodontis multipunctatus in long term i'm hoping i can get 3 synodontis petricola when i'm in london next week.

do multipunctatus handle the agression served up by mbuna better than the petricola?

anybody keep petricola with mbuna?

I have 4 petricola in with my mbuna and peacocks with no problems.
As long as you have a lot of rocks/cave areas for the syno`s to hide in they`ll be fine and will learn to stay out of the way. You`ll probably find that the synos stay hidden most of the time but will become more active in the evenings :good:
thanks for the reply elise, just what i thought to be honest but wanted to be 100%.


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