Synodontis Eruptus


Fish Crazy
Feb 1, 2005
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Im looking for a catfish for my 55gal and My LFS has these Synodontis eruptus for like 15$

Do they get huge?
What are they like?
I cant find any info on them.

If i dont get him ill most likely get a bristlenose or rubber lipped.

you listed your tank as a "community". Eupterous arent exactly aggressive but do grow a little big(8") and will eat anything that fits in its mouth. if your community has large peaceful cichlids then this is a good fish but if you have small fish this fish will most likely knock out your tank. they can eat any range of catfish pellets and prefer harder african water. also

Planetcatfish - for all your catfish needs

and try a search. theres another thread about this same fish halfway down teh page and it has 2 great links in it
To me, these synos are like giant, semi aggressive cories that hover instead of laying on the substrate. I have 4 in a 55g (The biggest is 5", the other 3 are at or under 3"). I keep mine in neutral pH, and they're ok so far, I wouldn't keep them with any slender bodied fish under 4" either. These guys aren't picky, frozen food and shrimp pellets work for mine :)
OK well i guess this guy isnt for my tank then.

So far in my "community" 55 gal there are cories and neons.

Ill prolly just go with the rubber lipped or bristlenose then!

i have kept tetra with an 8" syno. angelicus. It is unlikely that the syno would attack another fish properly unless it was being bothered or its terratory was under threat. They are more likely to target plecs or other cats that try to get into the same hole or cave as them.

bunji- i dont doubt youve kept a neon with an angelicus but the truth is. with a school of neons it is likely that the eupterous will pick them off as it gets bigger. an ocellifer would be okay for everything except neons and unfortunately they do get bigger than 4" ive seen one almost 6" before and a 6" fish isnt good with neons.

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