Synodontis Decorus Problems

It kinda looks like that, but wouldnt everyone be infected? They regularly swim the glass as well, well not anymore but used to do it a lot. And does it usually spread full body so fast? And how would it pop up randomly. 
I have seen whitepsot look like that.
Have you added anything to the tank lately. Like fish, plants, etc.
If left untreated in can spread all over. 
Not all fish are affected by whitespot. Only no one and that's corys, 
Can you load some more pics onto the site.
The last things added were the synos, and i feed mealworms to my leaf fish, but i doubt they carry ich. Ill try and get more pics, i dont have ich meds and my BGK doesnt really like salt or meds.
Sure a read somewhere that whitespot can lay dormant in a tank till a fish gets stressed.
So what do you suggest i treat with?

Just getting a second opinion by star4.
WILDER said:
Sure a read somewhere that whitespot can lay dormant in a tank till a fish gets stressed.
This is true. If these two fish are constantly fighting they are under stress and the ich parasite homes in on this, which would be why only these two fish are affected. it can also happen with an elderly fish that is loosing its immune system, which is when you only get one fish affected in the tank.
Their diet is not ideal either, they would need catfish pellets, catfish do not do well on flake food and bloodworm is not a varied diet.
Ideally you need to separate the two fish into two different tanks and treat for ich. No shop would take back fish in that state. The only other option is to euthanise both fish as they will die a slow horried death if you do not treat them.
As for treatment I am not sure what ich treatments are available in the US :( sorry
Thanks star4.
So shrimp pellets by HBH arent good for them? The flakes only goto them if they get any their for my geophagus, and the bloodworms for my asian leaf fish, would giving them small prawn be better?
If it comes down to it whats the best way to euthanize a fish?

I can move one syno to my 55 gallon, but i have small fish and there and not sure if he would spread ich to my baby fire eel.

I put in some food and one of them came out, their hiding under driftwood atm. 

Place the fish in an ice cream tub with some tank water. Get a glass jar with a lid add a small amount of water to the jar with some clove oil. Shake the jar so oil mixes with the water and pour into the ice cream tub, it should only take seconds for the fish to fall asleep then pass away. Leave the fish in the tub for a while to make sure it has gone.
You could attempt to treat the whole tank with an ich medication. I do not know if you can get Esha Exit in the states, this is safe for BGK. Hopefully someone maybe able to help with a US med for you. Once treated you will need to split the fish up else they could get into this state again if they are fighting. I am not familiar with this species of syno personally but I do know many should be kept either in very large groups or singularly.
Can you divide the isolation tank?
Please try and save them first.
If not carry star4 advice.
So sorry.
If you can separate them do so, chances are once separated and treated both could get well so long as the ich has not spread to their gills, the first set of picture it looks really bad, the second set not quite so bad. I believe this ich outbreak is down to stress not a general tank outbreak. I would still recommend treating both tanks if you can just to help them get rid of the parasite and protect the other fish. A sick stressed fish can sometimes cause other fish to get stressed.
Ok so this is what im getting, put one syno in the 55 gallon and one in the 75 gallon, then treat both with ich meds? Can i treat with salt and heat, or is it to far gone?
If it hasn't affected the gills you stand a chance. Any signs of heavy breathing?
Move inverts out of the tank.
The other problem is you can only half dose with sensitive fish.
They do seem to breathing fast, and i have nerites and a mystery in my 75 and 2 flower shrimp in my 55, and the only open tank is my 10 gallon grow out tank.

I put some salt into the 75 just to try and help the fish a little.

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