Synodontis Decorus Problems


Fish Herder
Jan 12, 2014
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I will be rehoming these guys, theres two,as they dont really like eachother, and i think i what happened to them, but want some input and what to do.

They will be going to the store today and just would like to know whats going on, theres only driftwood and sand in the tank. All the tank mates dont touch them, just seem to fight with eachother a lot, ammonia and nitrite 0 and 10 nitrates.
Sorry for being thick but not sure what you want to know?
Are the marks on the tank as it looks abit like whitespot in the pic?
Never kept them but do they look abit on the thin side to you?
It doesnt look like ich, i just would like to know what could be wrong with them.
Never kept them so don't know much about them. So I can't really help.
They do look on the thin side to me.
When i first got them they were thriving, but now their looking terrible, they are just sitting around now, they goble up pellets to. I guess ill see if my LFS can treat them there, i doubt it though, at least i can get them in separate tanks.
I see.
Just need to ask have you been feeding to there diet requirements.
I kept pit bull plecs. Hubby bought them for me. Some of them looked thin.
One day I noticed worms sticking out of there anus.
Check anus to see if it looks enlarged or red and inflamed.
Have you noticed them going to the toilet?
Well they swim up the glass regularly, no red anus, i feed them shrimp pellets, bloodworms and high quality flakes.
I wouldnt be able to tell whos poo from the others, its very dark and combined with black gravel hard to see.
To be honest they don't look in great health. Are they acting normally?
Not acting lethargic, or resting a lot to one side.
Yes their not acting at all normal very lethargic. 
If it's not internal parasites it could be an internal bacteria infection.
They can lose weight with an internal infection. Other signs are acting lethargic.
Can you divide the isolation tank?
No all my tanks are full, but wouldnt this parasite my other fish as well? 
And  i may add that this just happen recently and ive had them fir a few weeks.
It does not.sound like parasites just yet if there waste is normal colour and there
anus is not enlarged, or red and inflamed. Just needed to ask to make sure. But keep a look out.
It sounds more like a bacterial infection. Not always do fish show signs of long stringy white waste
with a bacterial infection.
They don't look in great shape to be honest. There  not thriving.

Post in the right part of the forum as well to see what other members have to say.
Second opinion.
What im saying is all the white specs are not supposed to be there, is that a bacterial infection?
Sorry I thought you said the white specs were on the glass.
If there on the fish it looks like whitespot to me.
Do they rub themselves on the tank glass.

Severe case of whitespot. Also the spots can sometimes look a bit fluffy.


  • white-spot.jpg
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Another picture of whitespot (Ich)


  • Astatheros_longimanus_with_ich_DSC_9878.jpg
    61.6 KB · Views: 57

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