Synodontis And Discus


New Member
Aug 4, 2003
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Madrid, Spain
I was at the point of buying a beautiful turquoise discus today but the girl at the store said that my synodontis eupterus might end up killing it because it likes sucking the mucous.

So, before plopping down more money than I ever spent on a fish, I just wanted to run the question by to see a discus would be compatible with the rest of the tank.

Right now I have a 100 litre tank with:
2 synodontis eupterus (the biggest is about 10 cm or 4 inches long)
2 gold gourami
1 dwarf gourami (who probably won’t last too much longer with the 2 gold ones who are relatively new to the tank)
3 clown loaches
Various kribs (all siblings), including a pair that seems to be trying to mate unsuccessfully(too many loaches and synodontis around there for egg laying and raising a family in there I would guess)

I'm no discus expert and you might be better asking those in the discus section but no, I can't see the synos being a problem. I suspect the gouramies would be tho. Three spots are notoriously aggressive when it suits them. And they dislike sharing their swimming space with anything. :rolleyes: As for sucking mucus I've yet to have one of my many eupterus do such a thing to any fish. They live with an angel, two yo yo loaches and various platies and endlers. They never attack or harm any of them.
Hi Tim, I believe that your Synodontis are too aggressive for Discus. I would take the kind advice from the girl at you Local Fish Store (LFS). Discus are relatively fragile. Stress can kill them.

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