syno angelicus


Fish Fanatic
Feb 6, 2004
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hey, my lfs has a load in and they r very attracitve and i can get have him very cheap, jst wnted to no if i can house him wit my senegalus bichir, firemouth and maybe if i get it a peacock eel. This is a 30 gal. Will they go please tell me ASAP
senegalus can grow upto 18 inches! They don`t mix well with smaller fish that will fit into their mouth. Don`t be fooled about predatory fish not eating plecos either. Wouldn`t advise this unless pleco is much too large for polypterus to eat. In which case it would be much too large for your tank. Sorry!!
Hi there,

I wish i could have something positive to say about my experiences with these fish.
They can grow up to 8 inches Plus.

We had had a 5 inch one and he seriously terrorised my plec. I mean, i had to take him back to the shop, as he took a chunk outta the plec finage, the plec was bigger than him!

OK, well. These are my dream fish. But i am waiting until i get a 75gal + tank to get one. I will house him with Afrcian cichlids and maybe, if enough room, another syno.

They are very terratorial and you need to provide alot of hiding places if you have similar bottom dwellers.
He will need a cave to call home and some dim lighting if you wish to see him during the day. They are nocturnal.

You can see the pics of my old one in my sig.... he was very nice.... (apart from his temper).

IMO unless you have a 50Gal + tank, with no plecs and relatively few similar bottom dwellers, i would leave it.... honestly.....
IMO they are too terratorial in a 30Gal (mine was a 35Gal)...

Synodontis angelicas can reach sizes in excess of 20" and will require a tank of at least 6x2x2 (180g) for a adult fish, when kept in smaller tanks they can become aggressive and will attack other bottom dwellers competing for territories. In the wild they are a shoaling species so if possible they should be kept in a small group though a even larger tank would be needed for this.
mmmmmmmmm well listen to CFC he knows best............but provided you have the space, they SHOULD mix. I've kept synodontis Ornatapinnis, S.Eupterus and S.Nigriventis with birchirs (Ornate and Senegalus) and had no problems, but your tank size is pretty small at the mo...............
Well, my catfish book reckons 8". But iv seen them slightly bigger. 20" is only 12" out ;) oops.....

My post was only the experience i had with that fish. That doesnt mean its true of all of them....
Im sure some are placid. But i can assure you, this one wasnt.....
By all means give it a try.... good luck and i hope it works out.....

CFC is great and certainly knows his stuff........ he has helped me on numerous occasions.....
Who am i to argue :)

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