Fish Connoisseur
I had to move the scarlett dario dario girls away from the scarlet boys. So I put them in Rudy's 10 usg with the pandas. well, one of the little girls (they are about a 1/4 inch and slim) I'm not sure of, the stripes are a little light. Soon The stripes seemed to darken up and the one little fish was chasing the obvious little girls. Yesterday, I saw some black maeks on one little girl. I decided it was time to move the suspious character back with the boys. While I was trying to net him/her, i all of a sudden I saw Rudy out of the corner of my eye come to attention. Next thing he's helping me chase down the little marauder. I think he was more interested in their possible snack value than protecting the little lady though.
The pands seem to be in charge of all the hidy places though. There are about 10 of them. They rule the sand and Rudt rules the waves.
The pands seem to be in charge of all the hidy places though. There are about 10 of them. They rule the sand and Rudt rules the waves.