
He is probably the aggressive one, however, he would be able to kill them with his tail, he would just use his mouth and take strong bite at them, and even if he aint inflicting damage, it can still be stressful to the any of the fish and they could kill over for that, thankfully, when it comes to my male, he is aggressive as well, only towards other males, however, he does nothing serious to them, just chases them off, he mainly stresses the female, who keeps slapping him in the face, because he dont realize he has already got her preggy... Yaay! All i need, more fry

if he's trying to dominate the other fish, then he will definitely be causing them additional stress. and we all know about stress.... :X

when the males start "stabbing" with their tail it really does look neat. looks a bit waspish (float like a swordtail, sting like a bee). You really have an aggressive male if he's going after a plec!
Sasha said:
:) My female swordtails used to hit each other with their tail. I think they were trying to show each other who's more dominate. :flex:
yep my female mollies did that when they saw i bought a male with them so they fought for about 15 seconds while the male was trying to get in between to try to breed with both of them, :lol: he is now the king of my tank and he fights with the big black female hitting her with his lyretail :blink: (he even flares at her :blink: )(at me most of the time)
but after he fights with the black female he tries to breed with her :rolleyes:
ugh more little trouble makers :X
how big does these get since i have 2 mollies,2 platys,and another algae eater in with him in a 15 gal.tank.do you think i can get more fish?
Pleco's are a sensitive fish and anything really could cause them to die without them showing any signs, the most tollerant pleco i have come across is the gubbicep, which even if my fish nip him, he just flitches to scare them away, but he doesnt attack them...

And that stinging business, where did that come from mate, now i have seen it soooooo often now, considering i have a favoritism for Swordtail, that when dominating, the males just put their fins to their full extent, and show there colours (By which i mean, they flitter and show the side of the bodies at the oppending fish they are trying to over rule, and if does not work they will start fighting, no tail is used in this behaviour, but the male does use his tail for good usage, did it ever strike anyone, how is it that the male can slip his fin 'in' under the female? the answer is his tail, he curves it a way so if willing by the female, it wraps around her and keep him balanced while he does his thing, it would be very strange on any other occasion for him to use his tail for other use...


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