Fish Fanatic
Just gone in to check on her and shes resting. However i can see what looks like a red v fork shape thing protruding from her anal area
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That sounds like camallanus worms, unfortunately. It's usually described as looking like red paintbrush bristles protruding from the anus when the fish is motionless, and they go back inside when the fish swims.
If it does look like this you need to treat the fish - and the whole tank. Use eSHa ndx or NT Labs Anti Fluke and Wormer. I know the eSHa one says to repeat the course after several days, the NT labs one may say the same. This is important. The meds don't kill the eggs so the fish can be reinfected and the later courses are to kill the worms that hatched after the first course.
I treated tanks with eSHa ndx (kills camallanus worms) and eSHa gdex and eSHa 2000 recently, including tanks with 2 day old guppy fry and shrimp, and otocinclus. They handled it just fine. Better than they handled the worms, which killed too many fish, including fry between 1-2 months old - before I could diagnose exactly which worms were causing the problem.Will this cause issues with small fry.. ive got swordtails platys mollies guppies neons plecos and dwarf loaches. the treatments ive read for these say could cause more harm than good
I have NT Labs Anti-Fluke & Wormer. It's 1ml per 50ml tank water. One dose a week for 4 weeks. Elsewhere here @Colin_T had a post advising to do a big water Change & clean substrate within 24-48hrs after dosing & a filter clean within 24 hrs.I can get the nt labs one delivered tomorrow from amazon and start dosing
If they dont mention time between dosing how long would you say
I normally shake it in old tank water. Got my carbon sponge in some now but might binnit and get a fresh one.Don't clean the filter with tap water. Clean it in bucket of dirty tank water.