Swordtail gave birth how over populated am i


Jun 14, 2003
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I got up this morning to see that my newly rescued swordtail, Carrott had about 7 fry. I was so excited to get them since i have only had her a few days. I put her in a breeding trap so that she would not eat the fry, and so she could relax. Well she was just too busy popping out more fry to relax. She has had about 40 so far and has not showed any signs of stopping.

They are in a 10 gallon and i know they cannot all grow up in there due to lack of room, the question is how big of a tank do i need for them all to live in? The 10 gallon they are in now is divided with 14 guppy babies on the other side. Can i take the divider down and let the grow together until i get a new tank?

Please give me an idea so i can start to cycle a new tank to put them in. I was not at all prepared for that many at 1 time and i also have 2 guppy girls about ready to go. I need my own fish store i guess. LOL
Thank you for your help.
CONGRADS on the babies :D

Are the swordtails bigger than the guppies? How old are the guppies? I had put some new born guppies in the same tank with older ones and the older ones picked on the small ones but no major problem though.

I dont know about swordtails but I have 25 black mollies babies that were WAY to big to put in my guppies fry tank, I have never seen such big babies :lol: , so I have them seperated in 2 different 5 1/2 gal until they get bigger, I have a 10 gal cycling cause my older guppies are getting older and bigger and I can tell their sex and I dont want them breeding!! lol

Good Luck with the babies
Ok i lost count at about 45, so i have no idea how many are in there. The swords are about the same size as the guppies, so i am gonna try it. I think i really need to just do an entire wall in tank, lol . I saved this sword just a few days ago, and although i knew she was pregnant, i never had any idea i would get so many. I now have adleast 60 fry, guppy and sword in a 10 gallon. I think they should be ok for a little while since they are all so small. Wow, 1 day your wanting fry and the next, you are praying that no more come out. LOL I was talking to her through the tank telling her dont you think you are done yet. LOL :lol:

I have been asking for a 55 for my birthday, seems like a good reason to get it now, why wait a few more weeks. LOL

You could borrow an oscar and put him in the 10 gallon for 5 mins!!!! :devil:

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