So far everything is going well.. got some frozen baby brine for the fry to pig out on. Also have been mashing up some frozen krill to go with it since it will help with the color of all the fish in the tank as well as the fry...
They are all over the tank in little school's or 4 major groups one at the top of the tank and three others in different places along the bottom. all the other fish in the tank don't chase after them so they should have a high survivability rate if all goes well.. but I think I will need a grow out tank since there's just too many fish in this tank now ..
Best count for how many is 55 and up.. probably will be another batch in 30 days judging by how the make and female are reacting.. from what I can see a decent mix of both species. Kohaku and showa.. fingers crossed for a red eyed showa.