I wanted to get further into marigold swordtail breeding and was looking for some info. I have been able to sucessfully breed these in the past but never in quantity. What can be changed to increas the number of fry my swordtail? What is the best male to female ratio? Will an aeration system aid in the keeping the tank and fish in good condition? If i get a low watt bulb for my tank light can i use a breeding trap? I have a 55 gallon tank how many swordtail can i keep in it? Will maybe one good sized pleco also be good to get rid of some dirt in the tank? What is the average amount of fry my marigolg swordtails will have under good conditions? What is the survival rate on the fry in good conditions? Can i easily sell the fry to fish stores and other people? Can all this be profitable if i try?
Wow i ask a lot of questions but i am really looking into going pro with breeding marigold swordtails!!!!!!
Wow i ask a lot of questions but i am really looking into going pro with breeding marigold swordtails!!!!!!