I miss when I had swordies.. I used to have a tank of 'em when I was little, but the indicator light was broken on the heater. Mother turned up heater, I woke up to fried fish.
Seing your swords makes me jealous. If I hadn't sworn off livebearers, I'd run to my LFS tomorrow and buy some.. they have a gorgeous adult male in a planted tank I've been eyeing..
But where would I put it? The only spare tank I have is a bare 10g with a sponge filter, for my rams to spawn in later this month. And after that it's going to a friend of mine for betta breeding in the summer.
Now, maybe if I can steal someone's 100g tank when they move...
I'm not too sure how my rams would react with a swordie.. they chase the cories occasionally, I can only imagine their reation to the caudal fin of a sword..
I have a blue ram in with my swordies and platies....one of my female swordies is a lyretail and he doesn't hassle her at all.....he prefers to swim with the whiteskirt tetra