Switching Over To A Planted Tank


Fish Fanatic
Sep 27, 2008
Reaction score
Vancouver, BC
Ok, I am kicking around the idea of switching my stocked 30 gallon over to a planted tank. Not having ANY experience with a planted tank naturally I have a few questions. The first question I have is about substrate. I did a little research and the one that appealed to me the most is the eco-complete. Do I mix it in with the existing gravel/rocks?(existing gravel is quite coarse)Or put in a layer of it below my existing gravel/rocks? Also is this a good substrate? Now about lighting what kind of bulb is recommended? Also wondering at what point do I need to add a co2 system, I would prefer not to run co2 at first more or less just to keep the cost down a bit. I also read a step by step guide in here on how to make a riccia carpet. My question about this is how do I do maintenance on the aquarium after this? For example vaccuuming? Now one more question. Do the plants have to establish themselves BEFORE I put the fish back in or can I add my fish back in right away?
I'm sure I will have more questions about this but for now these were the biggest ones. Thanks.
There are no dumb questions!! I'm no expert by FAR - but I've had a planted tank for a little over 2 yrs.

Eco-complete is fine. There are many types of substrate - much comes down to what you like. I've heard that sand isn't the best for heavy root feeders - like sword plants. But many people use sand w/ no problem.

I think if you mix gravels you'll end up w/ the large stuff on the bottom because it will settle.

I have a low light (1 T8 bulb) set up - no CO2 but I do ferts.

I didn't want to deal w/ CO2 & I have low light plants (Crypts, Anubis & Java ferns mostly) & they are fine.

Figure out what plants you want - that will tell you about lighting & CO2.

Plants are GREAT for the fish.

I think most carpeting plants need higher light & CO2 but I don't know for sure.

You can add fish right away. Some fish like to dig up plants so you'll have to look into that also.

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