Wotfish, what i meant by being an american thing is this. We seem to figure out exactly what we need, Then go two sizes bigger. Especially true when it comes to food!
Dave I saved you from ultimate doom ny changing one word. lol
Just a thought...........was this pump originaly designed for swimming pools?
As if it was you should check to see if the impellor and impellor housing are metal or plastic :what: as if they are of the metal kind you will have to replace them for a plastic substitute
The reason for this is that the metal will over time corrode and build up heavy metal deposits in your system which will prove fatal to any fish
Dont worry too much if the housings are metal as there are firms out there that make plastic "aftermarket" replacement housings.......in the uk there is a firm that sells a kit to convert central heating pumps for aquatic use by replacing the housings
Sounds like you've got the filtering sussed though
Sorry soo long too peplie to the post.... I have recently moved.
My Oscar Jack... had no problems with the move at all. He was transfered in a 6 gallon pail of his origonal water. I dp how ever have some important stuff to let you all know. Mostly you Great Lakes lol!! I have purchased a mag 300d pump as of my earliest post and since then I have heard that it was a bad idea... Soo I baught the mag. You where right Great Lakes...More is better. The reason I say this is the magnum does do a lot of GPH... but its very hig presure. This is because of its low plumbing diamiter! My pool pump has 1 and a quarter inch hoses lol
I do awsome flow rate with very little pressure! Plus I can run all ....or at least most media filters in it. I ran my pool pump with mag polishing filters..And the 300d I baught came with one already.. so I ran that out the gate. What Im trying to say is me and my wife feel the pool pump rules. Heres the reasons. Firt is that my wife says to go back to the pool pump lol. But the real reasons are the my water temp became very hig after only a few days with the magnum! I dont need a heater with my mag cause it runs very hot and this heats my water already...This is bad. I would like to have my own control over water temp. My new magnum also has way toooooo much water pressure!! Its like a river in my tank! I hate that. It blows my fish around! That have to work like mad all the time to stay still. This seems like torture to me. My pool pump has high volume..But low pressure,this is awsome to filter fast, but does not blow my fish out of his tank. And others have said that the bill for a pump like this is awsome... But I have looked at the watts used and there nearly the same. So thats no bother either. The water flow seems to slow down after a few days with the magnumalso! I ran my pool pump for much longer and had no noticeable slow down. Plus my tank seemed to be just plain clearer. I know that Im somewhat new to fish keeping..But my wife is not. She also sees what I see and said that I should place this follow up post. Plus, I have made a new purchase. Its a new very cheap pool pump! Very cheap! Only 60 bucks! it does 1000 gph! And It still crushes the mag I baught. I have now put the mag in my breeder tank. hehe The mag cost me 190 bucks too Thats made me mad to buy something that wasnt as I hoped. But at least my comets are happy!