Swim Bladder


Jun 17, 2004
Reaction score
West Country - England
Hi everyone,

Recently my fish have had a bacterial infection which has been treated. I have also (yesterday) put in a second treatment, on advice as a preventative because bacterial infection are hard to get rid of and one or two still show a few symptoms.

Well tonight one of my white mollies is swimming vertical. When another fish comes near she is able to swim away at top or bottom of the tank but she just seems to be floating vertically a lot of the time. She is eating well and everyone else is fine.

I have looked up swim bladder problems and realise they can follow a bacterial infection but nothing I have found talks about vertical floating. :fun:

Has anyone else heard of this? Could this be/or is this swim bladder, if so what should I do cos at the moment the tank still being treated with Interpet no 9 for bacterial infections. :(

Please help, I am really worried about her :(
I have seen vertical swimming in fish with a swim bladder problem. the best cure is a cooked, deshelled, pea feed to the affected fish.
Thanks wolf, i'll give that a try tonight, will be something different to eat and if it is a problem then hopefully it could help her.

Just been watching her for a while and she does the vertical thing more often when the male come near, so I am also wondering if it could be a mating thing with mollies :rolleyes:

This is really bazaar :fun:
One of my mollies reacted exactly the same after I had added a whitespot treatment to the tank. She continued with the hanging vertical stance for about ten days and then returned to normal. At the time I was sure it was swimbladder and even bought a can of peas but before I added any she sorted herself out and has made a full recovery.

Hope yours does too!
swim bladder is too much oxygen being taken in from when eating on the surface (i think) my betta used to get it regulary and he was usualy found on his side. my LFS sold me promin because it's full of good things and also doesn't settle on the surface, it sinks. touch wood none of them have had it since they have been on it. Thats how he got his name weeble by the way, as he used to wobble not swim :rofl:
Hi again,

Happen to be speaking to my lfs today (they are one of the good lfs's) and he laughed about my molly being vertical, he said, that because my male is back in action and feeling better after the Internal Bacteria infection (which he is, and he is definately "chatting" up the girls again), then it may be the female mollies way of saying, "go away, i do not want 'nookie'" :rofl:

Has anyone else ever heard of this. She definately does seem to do the 'vertical floating' thing when the male is close by. :fun: :fun: :fun:

edit: p.s. when vertical she is head up

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