Swim Bladder...what Do I Do Now?

Meggie :)

Fish Addict
Jun 10, 2011
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Hey everyone...so a newly rescued betta has swim bladder disease...I'm 99% sure...as we have only had him for a few hours so I don't know what the cause is...he is by himself in a planted 5.5 gallon...

What do I do?


Got some pictures:







And a video (sorry for the bad quality)
Hey everyone...so a newly rescued betta has swim bladder disease...I'm 99% sure...as we have only had him for a few hours so I don't know what the cause is...he is by himself in a planted 5.5 gallon...

What do I do?


Hi have you got any epsom salt.if so put about 12 tea spoons mixed with hot water in your aquarium. starve the fish for 24 hours and feed him peas.
So for 5.5 gallons put in 12 teaspoons? Wow that's a lot!

And when/how do I remove the salt? Like throughout daily water changes? One big water change? How long until I do that (how long do I leave in the salt?)

I thought he was getting better for a while but he is looking bad again...

Thank you for you help btw...

And thank you for any response to my questions!
Salt wont really do anything for swim bladder. Fast him for a day and feed him a deshelled pea. Swim bladder issues are likely due to constipation and the pea will clear it up. Is the tank heated?
yes the tank is heated...and if they are constipated you can usually tell, right? but he doesn't look bloated to me...guess it wouldn't hurt to try?

Like I said he was rescued from a cup so could there be another cause of it?

Thank you for your reply
Well he has issues swimming...I've never seen him anywhere but on the top so he probably is unable to sink...he likes to wedge him self between the back of the internal filter and glass so that he can stay upright (because if he stops swimming he floats on his side)... Do you need pictures?
Yes if you could post pictures that may be helpful. I knwo when I had a constipated betta, (which will cause swim bladder issues) he wasnt really bloated, but he was having trouble staying upright and he couldnt sink
Salt wont really do anything for swim bladder. Fast him for a day and feed him a deshelled pea. Swim bladder issues are likely due to constipation and the pea will clear it up. Is the tank heated?

If the cause of the swim bladder problem is constipation then epsom salt is a far quicker and better remedy. A 20 minute bath in a 1tsp per litre solution often clears the blockage immediately. If the fish gets stressed then remove it early.
I'm working on uploading the photos right now, they are just loading...but how do I remove the salt after the salt bath? Huge water change? or should I move him to the cup he came in for a little while and just do it in that?
You put the fish into a separate container and add the salt and tank water to that and put him in that.
Since it is the cup he came in it is pretty small so would that be okay?
Salt wont really do anything for swim bladder. Fast him for a day and feed him a deshelled pea. Swim bladder issues are likely due to constipation and the pea will clear it up. Is the tank heated?

If the cause of the swim bladder problem is constipation then epsom salt is a far quicker and better remedy. A 20 minute bath in a 1tsp per litre solution often clears the blockage immediately. If the fish gets stressed then remove it early.

Why thank you. I have never heard of that as a remedy. I learned something new.
Ideally you want something a bit bigger than that, like an ice cream tub (well washed and rinsed, of course).

What did you do to acclimatise the Betta to the new water when you introduced him?

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