swim bladder diseased barb


New Member
Aug 20, 2004
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i have a question (obviously, hehe) i dont have a hospital tank, but i have an old 1 gal, with no air pump (im using it on my main tank) and i was wondering if i were to treat one of my sick (with swim bladder disease i am assuming) tiger barb in there, the lady at the pet store said they can last for about 5 hours in a bag so im guessing 4 hours in a 1 gal tank with no aeration?
i also want to know if thats long enough for the medicine bath, with whatever kind is good for swim bladder disease?
so if anyone has any experience with barbs having swim bladder disease, help? please? i really really hope its not bacterial so my other fishies get it, but it could be, so maybe should i just treat my whole main tank? even though only one fish shows symptoms?

oh and i have corys so i cant add aquarium salt or anythign harmful to them.

sooo sorry if this is just a flurry of information but im kind of a newbie and im really at my wits end trying to make sure my fish dont die!!!
Are you sure your TB has "swim bladder disease", (there are quite a few different things that are called this). How long have you had them, what are the symptoms, what else have you got, and are any of them showing any problems?

In my experience, TB's are not overly prone to that kind of problem. They do go nose down if the water quality is off, or if they've eaten too much, or sometimes for their own reasons. Really bad loss of control is most often due to internal injury following capture/transport - hence my question about how long you've had them.

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