Sweetmeisters Fishless Cycle Log

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I'll send you mine - I have two kits.

Thankyou very much,its really appreciated.Its hard enough being a newbie in the hobby and trying to do things right,finding out that youre testing your water with the wrong cards in the right kit just makes it a whole lot harder.!!
How do I go about getting you my address?
Message it to me.

I'm not sure how much difference having the saltwater cards makes to be honest. It might be irrelevant (but then why are there different kits?)
Well,been out and bought some playsand today,so its out with the old gravel and ornaments tomorrow!! Will try and get away with leaving in as much water as possible.
After i have changed to the sand and replaced the water etc will I need to top up with Ammonia?
First of all,can I say a massive thanks to KateT for sending me the test colour cards,they arrived this morning, :good:

Changed my substrate to sand today,took some time cleaning all the old stuff out and then cleaning the sand itself.Left 90% of the water in so as not to interfere with the cycling too much.!
Water is still a bit cloudy but clearing nicely. :good:

Ammonia was at 4ppm and Nitrite at 0ppm before the substrate change,and havent had the time to check them again since.
Thinking maybe I should stick a couple of ML of Ammonia in just in case.

Also whilst changing the gravel I came across bits of white stuff that looked like white congealed fat!!! Any ideas?
Reading today- Ammonia 1.0 Nitrite 0-25ppm (between the two)Nitrate 5ppm pH 7.6 High pH 7.4.
Think the low ammonia was due to the partial water change done when changing the substrate to sand.Added 5ml of ammonia.

Hope ive done the right thing.
I dont understand why my Ammonia has gone down to 1ppm yet I have no Nitrite reading as such? Is that normal?
My Nitrite reading is difficult to read as its nothing like the 0ppm shade of blue yet its also nothing like the next shade for being 0.25ppm.
Should I now top my Ammonia up again or should I wait until it gets to 0ppm?

Any advice greatly appreciated. :good:
The ammonia consuming bacteria munch through the ammonia and produce nitrite. The Nitrite munching bacteria will then have a food source to help them develop. They will in turn produce nitrate.
That is normal.
Wait for the ammonia to get to 0ppm before re-dosing unless it gets stuck at 0.25ppm for a while.
The ammonia consuming bacteria munch through the ammonia and produce nitrite. The Nitrite munching bacteria will then have a food source to help them develop. They will in turn produce nitrate.
That is normal.
Wait for the ammonia to get to 0ppm before re-dosing unless it gets stuck at 0.25ppm for a while.

Thanks for that mate.
If I put your media in tomorrow,should I redose with ammonia then? Surely your mature media will need something to live on,so to speak.
There will only be a small amount of bacteria in the mature media.
Why dont you redose by adding 2ppm rather than 4ppm. That way you have ammonia present but not a high level.
Sorry for all the questions,but should I redose now to 2ppm or wait until I add your media?

Did you see my questions in the Filter media donation thread?
Carry on as normal with your testing until the media arrives.

If when you come to add the media it is 0ppm or almost then dose back up to 4ppm.
If it is still 1ppm then dose to 2ppm. The only reason i say this is that 4ppm and below you know where you are with the colours on the test chart. I find you are guessing more above 4ppm. And you will have to wait less time for it to drop to 0ppm - a bit of positive thinking!

I've answered the other thread as well.
Carry on as normal with your testing until the media arrives.

If when you come to add the media it is 0ppm or almost then dose back up to 4ppm.
If it is still 1ppm then dose to 2ppm. The only reason i say this is that 4ppm and below you know where you are with the colours on the test chart. I find you are guessing more above 4ppm. And you will have to wait less time for it to drop to 0ppm - a bit of positive thinking!

I've answered the other thread as well.

Ok cheers,I`ll see where I`m at tomorrow then. :good:
Any suggestions please??
Page 1 updated with current readings.

I have been stuck at 1ppm of Ammonia and pretty much 0ppm nitrite for nearly a week! Is this normal or should I add more Ammonia,or perhaps a partial water change??
Any help would be appreciated. :good:

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